Here are a couple links you might find useful, if you are interested in going through what we did today a less brutal pace:
- Summary of the Drude model
- Ch. 1 of Solymar & Walsh does an excellent intro job (awesome book,I have a copy)
- Jackson Ch. 7 is fairly readable (when compared to the bulk of the book ...)
- Feynman Lectures II.32 (must read; dielectric-centric)
- Brief Derivation (fast-paced, but good)
This brings up a question: we have one more recitation (Fri) which will be devoted to the RFID project, and one more lecture (Mon). What do you want to hear for your last lecture in PH126?
Anything you want, within reason and physics-related (if tangentially), I'll do my best. Leave your suggestions in the comments.