Friday, December 4, 2009

Final Exam

Ok, a couple of days later than planned, but here it is. You probably will not like it. Do not delay in starting, it is not something you can bang out in a couple of hours over coffee.

I will post hints over the next days on various problems, with increasing helpfulness as the deadline gets closer. Feel free to ask for clarification if you aren't sure how to get started. They are not easy problems, but I think you can handle them. The final exam is due back to me by 5pm next Thursday, 10 Dec 2009.

You're allowed to use your textbook and notes (which includes posted solutions/notes from this page), and I would consider Wikipedia fair game, but random googling for answers is not. You will need to sign your exam, stating that you've played by the rules. A bit much, I know, but those are the breaks when you get a take-home exam ... anyway, with most of these problems you would not have much luck googling anyway.

Also, HW8 solutions are out. Exam III solutions should follow this weekend, since they might be of some utility for the final.



  1. Would it be fair game to use journal articles that we have already encountered in the course of the semester (as opposed to seeking them out now that we've seen the exam)?

  2. Also, Purcell and Feynamn are fair game, since both are listed on the syllabus?

  3. Journal articles you've already encountered are fair game.

    Feynman and Purcell are also fair game, since they were basically supplemental texts and listed on the syllabus. Both will be quite useful ..
