Monday, August 17, 2009

Slides from the first lecture / schedule

I've uploaded the slides [~6Mb PDF] that Prof. Harrell will be using for the first lecture, which is mainly a course overview and a math review.

Prof. Harrell will (probably) go through all of this material, I'll pick up where he left off on Monday 24 Aug and we'll go further into derivatives of vector fields. Wednesday 26 Aug, we'll go through integration over vector fields (line integrals) and start doing some actual E&M.

Don't worry too much if the math seems frightening during the first few lectures. After our brief tour of vector calculus, the math will get less scary again. The quick overview in the beginning is meant to give you an idea of what we'll need during the semester, and as these topics come up in real situations, we will review them in more detail at a slower pace. Any math that is not part of a prerequisite course I will cover in class, and I will try hard to bridge any gaps between our textbook and what is covered in, e.g., Cal II.

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